Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ludwig's Angina

It sounds kinda dirty, huh? It's actually a pretty serious condition that's caused by bad wisdom teeth that have been left in too long. I have it. The infection spread to my tongue and I can't talk very well, it's all swollen. And the next place it's headed is my throat, which will close up, thus the "angina". But thankfully tomorrow I will be getting 3 teeth pulled. Yes, I said thankfully. I'm kinda terrified though. Do they put you under? Does it hurt worse during or after? Are they gonna give me lots of happy pills to take my mind off the terrible pain?
Find out all this and more on the next installment of THE ADVENTURES OF A STAY AT HOME MOM!


  1. hmm, its been a while since I had my wisdom teeth pulled (about 8 years) but I had all 4 done. I remember them putting me under, but I don't know how its done now. It wasn't bad. :-)
    Your throat will hurt afterwards... I drank lots of shakes!

    That's scary, I'm glad they caught it and are taking care of it! Good luck and let me know if you need anything! They will give you pain pills! :-)

  2. hey hon! sorry you feel so yucky. i only had one (partially impacted) wisdom tooth removed, and i got shots, but no gas. my doc was fabulous, and i didn't feel it during or after. your results may vary! hope it goes well.
