Monday, December 29, 2008

Don't take SOMA- ever!

Wow, okay so here's a story for you...I found a lump on my neck several months ago, and I've gotten two different "diagnoses", one was a muscle that is knotted, and one is a swollen lymph node that may require further testing. In the hopes that it is the former, just a muscle, I was given these muscle relaxers called Soma. I took one for the first time on Friday and fell asleep, no problem. Then came Saturday. Now, I'm supposed to take these 3 times a day, so I took one in the afternoon and told Donnie I was going to go downstairs to lay down because they make me sleepy. I kinda of remember having a dream about bugs crawling on my hand, and then the next thing I know I'm standing in the garage literally BASHING my wrist with the heavy side of a wrench. Seriously. Over and over. I screamed and ran upstairs, looking at my swollen and possibly broken wrist and calling for Donnie. He rushed me to Urgent Care where x-rays revealed it is just a really bad sprain. So now I'm wearing a brace for a few days and my wrist is swollen and turning all sorts of purdy colors. Crazy, right? All because of some muscle relaxer, which is not something new for me to be taking. Because of my fibromyalgia I take them often, just not that particular one. So anyway, yeah, don't take Soma if you're ever offered any!
Today I went to the mall and got the most amazing, beautiful shoes I've ever seen. I saw them and instantly fell in love. They're purple and black plaid pumps. I looked at them, went across the way to another store and bought an outfit to match, and then returned for my prized heels. I'm wearing them now, with my pj's! I think I may sleep in them. They're beautiful.
That is literally about the extent of my life these last few days. Christmas went as expected, the kids opened their presents way too fast and made a big mess, and already they're getting bored of them. But it was wonderful also, I took tons of pics!
How were your Christmases?

Monday, December 22, 2008

Free money anyone?

Hey it's me again! I think I will continue to blog, what's the harm even if no one reads it?
I have been making some extra spending money online lately, not like hundreds of dollars but an extra $50 a month or so just for my own personal spending. Anyway, if any of you are interested here is the link to sign up under me (so I get the referral, of course!). All you do is fill out these surveys. It's monotonous work, but not in any way, shape, or form is it hard. And almost all of those survey sites are scams, by the way. But not this one. You can google it to see, if you like. But I have received several paychecks from them so I know they're legit. I'm going to try to post a link here, though for some reason it never seems to work. If not, please copy and paste!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Done Blogging?

Okay, everyday I check my blog, and though I continue to write it seems no one cares. I'm wondering if I should keep it up as just a journal for myself, or just let it go. Any objections? Agreements? Anything? this thing on???

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Santa Claus

You know what I was thinking about earlier? I never believed in Santa Claus. Ever. My parents tried to push him on me, but I was just too skeptical and my logical minded-ness made me say "yeah, right". Is that sad or what? I never believed in any of the holiday "mascots". Were any of you like that?
Well, I bought one of those Ped-Egg things for Donnie because he's always asking me to rub his feet and man are they rough! Seriously, it's like rubbing lotion on a brick. It doesn't absorb any of it because the callouses are so hard, so the lotion just sits on top of the skin. Ewwww. Anyway, I bought him one of those things and kind of as a hint gave it to him today as an early Christmas present. He went right to work and practically filled that little container with disgusting, dry skin flakes. Talk about gross. Anyway, for all you ladies out there there is a Ped Egg for Men that's black (more manly) and is a bit bigger than the original. So the next time your guy sticks his calloused feet out and asks you to rub them you can whip that baby out and go to town. It also works great on his elephant elbows.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oh @*%&

I'm feeling a flare-up coming on. My fibromyalgia...and I don't have a pain doc anymore cause my insurance changed. I may not write for a bit....

Friday, December 12, 2008

bored and thinking

Nothing great to report. I have a lot on my mind. My friend Jenn is having surgery tomorrow and I'm saying a prayer for her. Oh, and Bettie Page died! You know, the pin-up chick with the black hair and bangs? Sad.
The kids got their pics taken with Santa and it went perfectly. They snapped the pic before Aidan had a chance to react and actually look at Santa, which surely would have sent him into a hysterical tantrum. Why are babies so scared of that guy?
I can't wait for Christmas, personally. I should be saying because of the wonderful spirit that comes over everyone, and the togetherness, and the story of baby Jesus, and blah blah blah. I just want the presents! Wahoooooo presents!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Friday, December 5, 2008

Our Charlie Brown tree (so sad and tiny)

Ow Ow Ow

I had the idea to go to the E.R. in the hopes that they could admit me and pull my teeth out since they have an on-call oral surgeon. Well I waited in the lobby for 5 hours and all I got was a nasty bruise from the I.V. So I found a dentist who really listened and took pity and did it for next to nothing.
So, I got two teeth pulled yesterday. It was absolute agony! Not only was I awake, but the numbing shots didn't work all the way so I could feel them pulling and twisting and rocking my teeth back and forth, I could feel it deep in the root. It hurt! And today I am pretty miserable. It hurts to swallow, my throat hurts, even my ear hurts. I don't feel much like writing so I'll get back to you later.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Big Dissapointment

Well, I drove all the way to St. Charles, which is like an hour away if you drive like me, and found the dental van. It was scary, let me tell you. The chair looked like a normal dentist chair, except for the rust. The walls were dirty and the whole thing moved when the wind blew. AND, there was no running water! Anyway, I sat down in the chair and the dentist poked around a bit and said "well, we can't help you here. You need an oral surgeon. It will require surgery, and we don't have the anesthesia here.". So I am back to square one. Looking for a dentist who will take me and bill Medicaid...which is tough to find because Medicaid is refusing most adult dental.
Bah Humbug.
On a serious note, Donnie's grandmother had a stroke and is in the hospital. We are going to visit her today because they think she had another one last night. What a crazy week it's been....