Friday, December 5, 2008

Ow Ow Ow

I had the idea to go to the E.R. in the hopes that they could admit me and pull my teeth out since they have an on-call oral surgeon. Well I waited in the lobby for 5 hours and all I got was a nasty bruise from the I.V. So I found a dentist who really listened and took pity and did it for next to nothing.
So, I got two teeth pulled yesterday. It was absolute agony! Not only was I awake, but the numbing shots didn't work all the way so I could feel them pulling and twisting and rocking my teeth back and forth, I could feel it deep in the root. It hurt! And today I am pretty miserable. It hurts to swallow, my throat hurts, even my ear hurts. I don't feel much like writing so I'll get back to you later.